Even with good English, it is not easy to speak with confidence. Lots of people have difficulty speaking to groups of people. Improving your speaking skills will make you more confident and that will help you feel better about yourself, and have a greater impact upon the world around you! Do not sit silent and let the world ignore you! Speak up and be heard!!
Our Public Speaking course will help you accomplish this and more! It builds upon principles and techniques from times when speakers had only their skill and natural ability to catch and hold the attention of audiences. You will learn how to overcome stage fright, analyze your audience and occasion, organize your thoughts, prepare an outline, and then deliver presentations that will inform, entertain, and persuade.
Our instructors have decades of experience speaking in public and training people in public speaking.
The course has 12 lessons and we limit class size to a maximum of six students in a batch. Every student has a speaking assignment in each class meeting.
Because the "group dynamic" is so important for the training experience, this course is only offered in GROUPS. (Group classes have 1 teacher and a maximum of 6 student.)
There must be at least three (3) students enrolled before a class will start. There are twelve (12) class meetings and each one will last from 1-2 hours; however long it takes for all students in the class to deliver their assigned speeches.
We can schedule class for four (4) weeks meeting three (3) times per week, or for six (6) weeks meeting two (2) times per week.
Students receive a written evaluation after each speech identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as personalized recommendations from the instructor!
So... If you want or NEED to improve your confidence and speaking ability, even if your native language is English, our Public Speaking course is guaranteed to help!
WE ARE HAVING A SALE! For a limited time, we are reducing the regular price of ₱9,999.00 by 20%, which includes instruction, materials, and all taxes and fees. We are doing this as part of our ONGOING SALE, which will extend until the end of 2024. That means the price will be ₱7,999.00! If you are interested, there has never been a better time! Contact us and we will put you on the list. Once we have at least three (3) students, we will contact you.
Once the schedule for a batch is decided, and the payments for all students in the batch have been received, the training will begin.
You can pay by cash, credit card, debit card, GCASH, or Pay Maya.
We require payment before classes are scheduled to start.
If you want to pay using a credit or debit card, we can send you a billing invoice through email that
you can use to make your payment.
Please read the PAYMENT POLICY below for special rules regarding cancellations and refunds.
If you are interested in joining our training classes, you can use the email response form below to send us your contact information (especially a phone number) and we will contact you once we get a batch organized.
Thank you for visiting our website! If you would like more information about something, CLICK HERE to submit an email form. You should receive a response from us within 24 hours.